Hollandale Cemetery today...

The Hollandale Cemetery where many of us have friends and relatives is still reasonably well maintained.  The photos below were taken over the Memorial Day Holiday weekend in 2007.  The grass needed mowing, but not badly.  The entire place was clean and litter free.  This cemetery has quite a history behind it with many of  the markers getting so aged that they are not readable.  There are many from the 1800's.  I did notice though, that several monuments are falling over and several small ones are stacked on top of others.  I don't know what can be done about this but  maybe some school or civic group will pick up on this and organize a "clean-up & organize" day for the cemetery.

Note: The above comments are from 2007.  We understand that lately the City of Hollandale is not maintaining the cemetery nearly so well.  I will be over there Saturday and will post some current photo's so we can all see for ourselves! Stan